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Basic Setup


module Example where

add :: Num a => a -> a -> a
add = (+)
module Example where

add :: Num a => a -> a -> a
add = (+)


module ExampleSpec where -- test module name MUST end with Spec
import Test.Hspec
import Example

spec :: Spec -- `spec` is required
spec = do
    describe "Example" $ do
        it "adds two numbers" $ do
            (add 1 1) `shouldBe` (2 :: Integer)

main :: IO () -- `main` is optional
main = hspec spec
module ExampleSpec where -- test module name MUST end with Spec
import Test.Hspec
import Example

spec :: Spec -- `spec` is required
spec = do
    describe "Example" $ do
        it "adds two numbers" $ do
            (add 1 1) `shouldBe` (2 :: Integer)

main :: IO () -- `main` is optional
main = hspec spec

The test module's name must end with Spec. Spec by itself is not allowed. Examples: ExampleSpec, Example.ExampleSpec are allowed while Spec, Example.Spec, ExampleTest, Example.KataTest are not.

The common convention is: If the solution's module name is e.g. YourKata.SomeTask, just add Spec to the end without a dot, e.g. YourKata.SomeTaskSpec.